Production And Availabitity of Iodised Salt







Continued …..


Quality Monitoring at Production Sources:


            In order to monitor the quality of iodised salt produced in the State, 8 salt testing laboratories are established at Ahmedbad, Jamnagar, Gandhidham, Bhavnagar, Kharaghoda, Dhrangadhra, Santhalpur & Maliya. Beside 2 mobile labs are in operation at Gandhidham & Dharangadhra. The details of number of samples analysed during the last 3 years are as follows:







Found Standard

% standard













            Based on the results the manufacturers are advised to recheck the process parameters.


            Under PFA Act, 1954, the Food Inspectors are empowered to draw statutory samples and take penal action in the event of sample not conforming to standards. Informal monitoring through multipurpose health workers is also done at wholesale & retail level.


            Here the district level monitoring system followed by Maharashtra could be adopted as it was found very effective in monitoring USI.


            An independent evaluation of USI in Gujarat & 7 other State undertaken by IIHMR, Jaipur with UNICEF assistance in 1996 revealed that:


  • All the Iodised Salt manufacturers in Gujarat are aware of the prohibitory orders on sale of non iodised salt for edible use.
  • Iodised Slat samples from 55% of the iodisation units had adequate iodine.
  • 46.7% Iodised Salt manufacturers in Gujarat exclusively used rail tranport to dispatch salt.
  • 57.7% household samples had =15 ppm iodine.
  • 71.8% household preferred packed salt.



Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.
  • Introduce informal district level monthly monitoring on the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Provide infrastructure to inland salt manufacturers enable them to install crushers.
  • Register all non permitted iodised salt manufacturing units and re-packers with PFA authorities.




IDD Prevalence


            Survey conducted in 9 out of the total 19 district of the State between 1956-1976 revealed that 8 district are endemic to goiter. The goiter prevalence rate was in the range or 6.5-41.6%. Six districts were resurveyed during 1998 to 2001, four by State Govt. and two by DGHS. Reports from 3 districts showed a reduction in goiter rate from 26.0% to 10.38% and 0.36%, 17.58% to 1.1% in Ambala, Yamunanagar (earlier part of Ambala district) and Jind districts respectively. Report from other 3 district viz. Karnal, Panchkula and kurukshetra is awaited.


Status of Ban


            The State Administration banned the sale of non Iodised Slat for edible purpose in the entire State with effect from 1.12.87.


IDD Cell


            IDD Cell is established in the State Health Directorate.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


            The State requires 1.08 lakh tonnes of iodised salt annually. Buljk of it is moved by road from rajasthan. The actual supply of iodised salt during the last 3 years is as  follows:


(‘000 tonnes)


                        1998                            1999                            2000


                        21.5                             26.6                             14.5


            The balance quantity is met by road movements from Delhi which is not reflected in offical records.


            Iodised salt is supplied voluntary by CONFED through PDS as per the directives of State Government to all district Food and Goiter Controllers vide letter no. 5S-99/27695 dt. 15-12-99 requesting the fair price shops to lift iodised salt from CONFED.


            Refined iodised salt is procured by CONFED from Delhi State Civil Supplies Corporation and distributed through fair price shops@ Rs.4-00 per kg in the entire State at the rate of one kg per card holder per month. During 2000-2001 CONFED has distributed 4464 tonnes of iodised salt against the requirement of 7680 tonnes. Balance demand is met by private traders as salt is sufficiently available in the open market.


Monitoring Information System (MIS)


            Quality  of slat is monitored at district level by food inspectors of Health department under PFA and MPHW by spot test kits (non-statutory). The details of samples analysed are given below:


Year                                 Sample tested                                      Found standard


                        PFA                 Non-PFA                     PFA                 Non-PFA


1999                            313                  22319                          306 (98%)       13573 (61%)

2000                            222                  9195                            200 (90%)       6923 (75%)

2001                            101                  1374                            99 (98%)         1163 (85%)


(upto July)



  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.
  • Introduce informal district level monthly monitoring on the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Analysis of ordinary varieties of iodised salt besides popular brands.
  • Registration of local salt repackers/grinding units under PFA Act.




IDD Prevalence


            Survey conducted in 10 out of the 12 districts between 1956-1974 revealed that all the 10 districts are endemic to goiter. The total goiter Prevalence Rate (GPR) ranged between 20.9 to 41.6%. Resurvey among school children and village population was carried out in 6 districts. The goiter prevalence rate in these districts was as follows:


Bilaspur                      14.0%                         Kangra                                    5.7%

Chamba                      14.25%                       Mandi                         14.0%

Hamirpur                    8.8%                           Solan                           11.4%


Status of Ban


            Govt. of Himachal Pradesh has banned sale of non iodised salt for edible use with effect from 6.2.76 in the entire State.


IDD Cell


            It is established in the State Health Directorate.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


            The State requires 37,025 tonnes of salt for edible use. Bulk of this quantity is moved by road from Rajasthan. The actual supply of iodised salt during the last three years was as follows:


(‘000 tonnes)



                        1998                            1999                            2000

                        7.8                               6.9                               4.8


The balance quantity is moved by road from un-organised sector in Rajasthan and from Delhi which is not reflected in iffical records.


            Government of Himachal Pradesh is supplying iodised salt to Inegrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) families through PDS. They also give transport subsidy to salt (alongwith other items) in tribal & remote areas. Prices of iodised salt are monitored by Food & Civil Supplies (F&CS) Department weekly/monthly.


Monitoring Information System (MIS)


            Statutory and non-statutory sampling if iodised salt is being done by the Food Inspectors and Health workers of the State Health Directorate. During 2000,24 iodised salt samples (statutory) were analysed out which six samples were food sub-standard.


            State Government is also actively considering to initiate a process through which all salt consignments entering into the State by road transport through three nodal entry points will be checked at the road barriers to ensure that salt consignment carry receipt indicating explicitly that only iodised salt is brought by the truck operators.




            An assessment study of IDD in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh aming 6724 school children by Government of Himachal Pradesh in 1998 revealed that


(i)                 73.3% of the beneficiaries consumed salt with adequate iodine content and only    6.5% samples tested had nil iodine.

(ii)               The median Urinary Iodine Excretion (UIE) of the children studied was found to be 15 micro gram/dl Indicating that there was no bio-chemical iodine deficiency in the subjects studied.



The study underlined the need for strengthening existing monitoring system for the quality if iodised salt in the district.


            State Government is undertaking IEC activities through posters, wall paintings, radio talks and State and block level workshops.


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.
  • Introduce informal district level monthly monitoring on the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Registration of local salt repackers/grinding units under PFA Act.
  • Extended Iodised salt supply through PDS to cover all target groups.
  • Srict enforcement of prohibitory orders on sale of non-iodised salt.




IDD Prevalence


            Survey conducted in 14 out of total 15 districts of the State between 1963-1971 revealed a Goiter Prevalence Rate (GPR) of 25.4-38.2%. 11 districts are endemic to Goiter.


Status of Ban


            The Govt. of J&K banned sale of non-iodised salt for edible use in the entire State with effect from 15.9.76.


IDD Cell


            IDD Cell has not yet been established in the State.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


            The State requires about 55,270 tonnes of iodised salt annually for edible use. This quantity is procured from Rajasthan and Gujarat by rail and from Delhi by road. Total supply of iodised salt during the last 3 years to the State was as follows:


(‘000 tonnes)


            1998                            1999                            2000


            23.0                             23.7                             34.1    


            Although the supply of iodised salt to the State was only 42-62% of the requirement in really no scaricity is reported. This may be due to the secondary movement from Delhi by road, which is not reflected in offical records.



Monitoring Information Syaytem (MIS)


            At present there is no system to monitor the quantity & quality of salt entering the State of J&K which is making it difficult to assess the progress of USI.


Iodisation Capacity


            Although J&K is not a salt producing State, on the recommendations of State Government, two iodisation plants with capacity of 30,000 tonnes/annum are permitted. However, none of the plants are operational for various reasons.




            As per an article published in ICCIDD News letter of Nov.’97 Dr. A.H. Zargar & others from Department of Endocrinology, S.K. Institute of Medical Sciences, Kashmir conducted an extensive goiter survey among school children of the valley from 1993-1995. They found that 42.5% of children have thyroid elargement & Urinary Iodine Excretion (UIE) was low. In so far as salt consumption pattern was concerned people in the valley are still found to consume non Iodised Salt and awareness about IDD was very low.


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Creation of IDD cell to monitor NIDDCP.
  • Introduction of MIS at district level.
  • Stirct enforcement of ban orders on sale of non iodosed salt.
  • Check entry of non-iodised salt in to the State by road.
  • Prevent entry of big crystal salt (Phoda Salt)
  • Restore the orders fixing grain size of salt (1 mm) entering the State.





IDD Prevalence


Surveys conducted in 17 out of 27 districts in the State revealed 6 districts to be endemic to with goiter prevalence rates in  the range of 0.99-41.11%


Ban Notification

The  Govt.  of Karnataka has banned the sale of salt  other  than iodised  salt for edible purpose in the entire State with  effect from 28.2.1996.


IDD Cell

An  IDD  Cell is established in the State Directorate  of  Health services.  This cell is undertaking IEC activities,  training  of peripheral health workers etc. besides conducting goiter surveys.


Iodisation Capacity

Five  iodisation plants with an total capacity of  32,000  tonnes per  annum  have been set up in the salt  producing  district  of Dakshin Kannada. However, their actual production during 2000 was

only 4,000 tonnes.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


Although  the  State  is bestowed with a long  coast  line,  salt production  is  confined  to a few  pockets  in  Dakshin  Kannada district  due  to  unfavorable weather  conditions.  The  average annual salt production is about 10-15 thousand tonnes. Therefore, the  entire  requirement of iodised salt (3.22  lakh  tonnes)  is mainly  met  from  Tamil  Nadu. Some quantity  of  salt  is  also

procured from Gujarat & Maharashtra.Supply of iodised salt during

the last 3 years was as follows:

                                                             ('000 tonnes)

1998                               1999                            2000

101.4                            117.4                             115.3


The  remaining quantity is met by road movement from  Tamil  Nadu and  Maharashtra. Karnataka State has been provided  linkages  in the Zonal Scheme from Gujarat Mumbai & Chennai Zones as under:


                                            ('000 tonnes)


Zone                No.of BG Rakes                    Quantity                      Total

                                    By Rail      By Road

Gujarat             10                  23.2                 -                                       23.2

Chennai             40                 92.8                 196.05                           288.85                

Mumbai              -                     -                      10.00                              10.00


Total                           50                  116.0                   206.0                           322.05




The  State  Govt. has set up a Coordination Committee  under  the chairmanship of Secretary health. The Committee regularly meets & reviews the progress of NIDDCP. Besides, interaction meetings are also organized at regular intervals with buyers, sellers  & other Stake holders to identify the problems relating to availability & price  of  iodised salt. In order to create awareness  among  the public  and to increase the supply of iodised salt in the  State, Salt  Department  in collaboration with All  India  Institute  of Medical  Sciences, New Delhi has instituted a study  through  the net work of medical colleges.


Actions suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.
  • Introduce informal district level monthly  monitoring  on  the lines of Maharashtra.


  • Analysis of ordinary varieties of iodised salt besides  popular brands.


  • Registration of local salt repackers/grinding units under  PFA Act.





IDD Prevalence


Surveys conducted by State /Central Govt. from 1989 to 1994 in 14 out  of  20 districts of the State revealed 11  districts  to  be endemic to goiter with goiter prevalence rate ranging from 4.7 to 27.3%


Ban Notification


Although 11 out of the 14 districts in the State are found to  be endemic, the State Government has not yet prohibited the sale  of non-iodised salt.


IDD Cell


IDD Cell has been established in the State health Directorate.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The  annual requirement of salt for edible purposes is  estimated to be at 2.08 lakh  tonnes. The supply of iodised salt duringthe three was as under:


                                                   ('000 tonnes)

1998                1999                2000

52.6                54.4                61.7



Although, Kerala is a coastal State the  climatic conditions  are not  favourable  for  salt production.  The  State  is  therefore procuring its entire requirement of salt from Tamil Nadu.


There is a general misconception that iodised salt is costly  due to  the  common  belief that only refined salt  is  iodised.  The market share of refined iodised salt is costly due to the  common belief  that  only refined salt is iodised. The market  share  of refined iodised salt including TATA brand of vacuum iodised  salt is  only about 25%. The iodised salt produced by medium  &  small scale  manufacturers  contributes over 70% of the  total  iodised salt  production . It is sold at prices ranging from Rs. 2.50  to 4.50  per kg depending upon variety of salt (crystal, crushed  or powder)  & type of packing used . Iodised salt of premium  brands like TATA, Annapurna etc. is sold at a price of Rs. 5.50 &  above per kg.


The  other major concern about compulsory use of iodised salt  is of  excess intake of iodine.This issue was deliberated at  length in  the  National Consultation Meeting on benefits  &  safety  of iodised  salt  held  at AIIMS, New Delhi in  1998  in  which  all premier  Nutrition  and Medical personal  participated.  All  the participants  unequivocally  favoured Universal  Salt  Iodisation (USI).



Focus group IDD survey conducted in the State during 2001 reveled that


-  Half  of the respondents were ignorant  about   advantages  or disadvantages of iodised salt.


-Quality  of  product  and price are  prime  factors  influencing buying practice.


-Health  benefits  are not a criterion for buying  specific  type even by those buying iodised salt.


- Few were aware of IDD s other than goitre.

- People are confused and not convinced about the health benefits of iodised salt.

-Majority would opt for health, if choice was to be made  between health benefits and    

  price of salt.


In order to create awareness among the public and to increase the supply  of  iodised  salt  in  the  State,  Salt  department   in collaboration  with All India Institute of Medical Sciences,  New

Delhi  has instituted a study through the net working of  medical colleges.


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Issue ban orders prohibiting the sale non-iodised salt.
  • Monitor the quantity and quality of iodised salt  supplied  at district level.
  • Strengthen  Information, Education &  Communication  (IEC)  at retail & beneficiary level.
  • Sale of iodised salt in half & one kg. poly packs.




IDD Prevalence

No survey on IDD Prevalence has been undertaken in the U.T.


IDD Cell

IDD Cell has not yet been established in U.T.



States of Ban


The  U.T. Administration has banned the sale of non iodised  salt for edible purpose with effect from 6.2.92.


Requirement & Supply Of Iodised Salt


The  requirement of iodised salt for the U.T. is estimated to  be 370 tonnes per annum. Lakshadweep gets its entire requirement  of iodised  salt from Tamil Nadu. Salt is moving from Tamil Nadu  to Kerala by road and from there by ferries.This secondary  movement is not reflected in official records. Iodised salt is sold at Rs. 2.25 per isles.



Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Statutory  and non-statutory monitoring of iodised  at  retail and beneficiary level


  • IEC through mass media and local festivals.




IDD Prevalence


Sixteen  of  the total 61 districts were surveyed  and  all  were found  to  be endemic with goiter prevalence rates  ranging  from 18.7 to 55.6%.


Status of Ban


Government  of Madhya Pradesh has banned the sale of  non-iodised salt for edible purposes in the entire State, in phases. Complete ban came into force with effect from 2.4.90.


IDD Cell


IDD  Cell  has been established under the Directorate  of  Health Services.



Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The annual requirement of iodised Salt for Madhya Pradesh is 3.48 lakh tonnes and for Chatisgarh is 1.26 lakh tonnes.


Iodised salt is supplied to Madhya Pradesh & Chhatisgarh by  rail and  road  from  Rajasthan, Gujarat and chennai  zones  as  given below.This   includes   the  requirement  of  salt   for   animal consumption.



Madhya Pradesh



Zone                 No.of Rakes    Rail               Road               Total

                                                            Quantity          Quality            Quality


Rajasthan           2                   4.64                 80.00                  12.64

Gujarat             84                    194.88          136.91                331.79

Chennai             1                    2.32                 4.0                       6.32


Total                 87                 201.84              148.91             350.75







Zone                 No.of Rakes              Rail Quantity              Road                Total

                                                                                                            Quality            Quality


Rajasthan                   2                       4.64                            2.00                  6.644

Gujarat                       50                    116.00                         0.17                116.17

Chennai                      1                       2.32                            1.00                    3.32


Total                       53                       122.96                   3.17                        126.13



The  total supply to Madhya Pradesh including Chatisgarh in  2000 was  3.36 lakh tonnes. The remaining quantity of iodised  salt is met  through road transport from unorganised sectors of  Gujarat, which is not accounted in official records.


Monitoring Information System


Of the 148 salt samples checked using STK by State Food and Civil Supplies  Department  in 1999, 141(95%)  samples  had  prescribed level of iodine. The details of no.of samples drawn and  analysed during  the  year  2000 have not been received  from  the  State. District level MIS has not yet been established.


The  USI programme in India was evaluated by a team  from  Indian Institute of Health Management & Research Jaipur on the advice of GOI &UNICEF in eight States across the country, including  Madhya Pradesh , during 1996-97.


The study revealed that in Madhya Pradesh all the wholesalers  of salt  dealt  only in iodised salt. All aware  of  the  prescribed level   of  iodine and about the ban orders on the sale  of  non-iodised salt for edible use. 90% of the retailers are  reportedly procuring iodised salt in consumer packs of 1/2 & 1Kg which  help in  improving the self life of Iodised Salt. At house hold  level 87.8%  samples  tested  by  spot test  kit  had  required  iodine level(>15ppm)while  the same was 77.7% when tested by  iodometric titration.  The  urban rural difference was 14%  (Rural  70.5%  & Urban  84.9%). This calls for more focus on rural  population  in terms  of advocacy & supply of Iodised Salt, to achieve the  goal of universal accessibility to Iodised Salt in Madhya Pradesh.


Actions Suggested To Strengthen USI


  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.


  • Introduce  informal district level monthly monitoring  on  the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Analysis of ordinary varieties of iodised salt besides  popular brands.


  • Registration  of local salt repackers/grinding units  under  PFA Act.


  • IEC through mass medial and local festivals.


  • Ban the entry of uncrushed phoda salt.





IDD Prevalence


Surveys  carried  out in 29 of the 35  districts  of  Maharashtra revealed  a  total goiter rate ranging from 0.01  to  54.92%.  21 districts were found to be endemic.


Status of Ban


Maharashtra  Govt.  has banned the sale of non-iodised  salt  fro edible purpose in 17 districts, in phases.


(i)         Aurangabad: With effect from 1.11.82

(ii)        Jalna: With effect from 1.11.86

(iii)        Amravati,  Wardha, Buldhana, Dhule & Satara:  With  effect from 1.11.86

(iv)       Nagpur,  Bhandara,  Gadchiroli,  Nanded,  Latur,  Yavatmal, Thane, Ratnagiri,

 Nasik, Jalgaon: With effect from 1.8.92.



IDD Cell

IDD Cell has been set up in the State Health Directorate.


Iodisation Capacity


Salt  Department has permitted 14 iodisation plants with a  total capacity of 2.31 lakh tonnes per annum.Two iodisation plants with UNICEF  assistance  were  donated  to  small  salt  producers  of

Maharashtra to enable them to iodise their produce.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The  annual requirement of Iodised Salt for the entire  State  is 5.62  Lakh  tonnes and for the 17 banned districts is  2.65  Lakh tonnes. The State of Maharashtra is the fifth largest producer of

salt in the country after Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan & Andhra Pradesh  in the same order of production. The production of  salt in the State during the last 3years was as follows:



                                            (Lakh tonnes)

1998                1999                2000

2.19                1.58                1.54


It  is  produced by 237 manufacturers in the  four  districts  of Thane, Raigad, Sindhudurg & Mumbai in a total are of 18472  acres including 4un-recognised units working in 26 acres of land.

As  the  local  production is insufficient to  meet  the  State's requirement  of  5.62 lakh tonnes, balance quantity is  met  from Gujarat  and  to  a small extent from Tamil  Nadu. The  zone  wise

allocation of salt to the State is given below:


                                        ('000 Tonnes)


Zone                No.of Rakes                           Rail Quantity         Road             Total

                                                                                                     Quality           Quality


Gujarat                       72                     167.04                    293.00         460.04

Mumbai                       -                       -                                100.00      100.00

Chennai                       1                      2.32                           -                 2.32


Total                            73                   169.36                      393.00        562.36



The supply of iodised salt to the State during 2000 was 4.42 lakh tonnes including supply to non-banned districts.

The main reason for short supply is movement of salt by road from Gujarat and from local salt producers, which is not monitored  by any agency. As a result non- iodised salt or inadequately iodised salt finds its way into the banned districts. Besides, there  are many  repackers  of iodised slat in these two States  who  market spurious brands.


The  State Government is supplying iodised salt in ITDP and  DPAP areas  since  1991 under special action plan. Adequate  care  has been  taken to supply iodised salt particularly to endemic  areas where  IDD prevalence is high. Hence, the State  Government  does not consider it necessary to distribute iodised salt through  PDS in the entire State.



Quality Monitoring at Production Sources


In  order  to monitor the quality of iodised salt  at  production sources  the  Salt  Department has established  a  laboratory  at Wadala.The  details  of samples analysed during  the  last  three

years are as follows:



Year                         Samples             Found Standard      %Standard



1998                          368                        311                          84

1999                           292                       248                          85

2000                           213                       137                          64




Monitoring Information System


The  State Government has established district  level  monitoring through the District Public Health Labs. for informal  monitoring of  quality  at wholesale, retail and household level in  the  17 banned  districts.  The details of samples analysed  during  last three years are given below:





Year                 Sample           Found sub-Standard                            Found     %Sub-

            analysed        Approved        Non-Approved                        Sub-                  Standard

                                    Units               Units                                       Standard


1998           5919             37                1630                           1667                     28

1999           4743              34                1265                          1299                     27

2000           4301               15                98                             916                       21



From the above data it is evident that the performance of plants  registered   with   Salt  Department  is   better   compared   to unregistered/non-permitted plants. This calls for an urgent action to evolve a mechanism to monitor the unregistered and  re-packing units  to ensure availability of adequately iodised salt  in  the banned districts.



Actions Suggested To Strengthen USI


  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.
  • Registration of local salt repackers/grinding units under  PFA Act.
  • IEC through mass media.
  • Encourage iodisation of salt by local salt manufacturers.





IDD Prevalence


Survey conducted in  8 out of the 9 districts revealed all the  8 districts to be endemic.


Status of Ban


The  Government  of Manipur banned the sale of  salt  other  than iodised  salt  as  an article of food in the  entire  State  with effect  from  10th october 1975, vide an  Order  No.  4/103.75/I, dated 10th october 1975.


IDD Cell

The IDD Cell was established in 1987 in the Medical Directorate.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The  present requirement of salt for edible purpose is  estimated at  13,155 tonnes per annum. Due to geographical location of  the State  and transport bottlenecks, which necessitates  maintenance

of buffer stock, in the zonal scheme allocation of 23,200  tonnes is made.

The  requirement  of  iodised slat is  met  from  the  production sources  of  Rajasthan & Gujarat Iodised salt is  transported  by rail up to Dimapur in Nagaland and from there it moves by road to

various consuming centres in the State.


Nominee  System  was prevalent in the State till  2000-01.  Since there  was no lifting of iodised salt during 2000-01, free  trade has been introduced in 2001-02.The actual supply of iodised  salt

to the State during 1999 was 1,800 tonnes . 90% of the population purchase loose salt and 10% (mostly urban) buy 1Kg.pouches.



Monitoring Information System


Non-statutory  quality  monitoring is done by Health  Workers  at beneficiary  level  During  the year 2000,  79,468  iodised  salt samples  were tested by Spot test Kit, out of which 77,033  (97%)

were found standard.


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Analysis of certain percentage of samples by iodometric method.
  • Sale of all iodised salt in half and one Kg. poly packs.
  • Resurvey  to  assess the impact of iodised  salt  in  reducing goiter prevalence.





IDD Prevalence


Survey  conducted in 2 out of the 7 districts, revealed both  the districts to be endemic.


Status of Ban

Govt.  of Meghalaya has banned the sale of non-iodised  salt  for edible purpose from 1.5.1988.


IDD Cell

IDD  Cell  was established in 1987 in the Directorate  of  Health Services.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt

The requirement of iodised salt for the State is estimated to  be 12,710  tonnes per annum. A provision of 18,560 tonnes  has  been made  in the zonal scheme fro rail movement, keeping in view  the remoteness,  transport  bottlenecks  and  the  need  for  keeping adequate buffer stock.


The entire requirement of iodised salt is met from the production sources of Gujarat. As there is no railhead in the State the salt is transported up to Guwahati by rail and from there it is  moved

by road to various parts of the State.


The  supply of iodised salt during 1999 was 2,900 tonnes .  Since no  scarcity  is  reported  , it is  presumed  that  the  balance requirement is met by road movement from adjoining States.


Nominee System was prevalent till 2000-01 .However, as there  was no  lifting of iodised salt during 2000-01, free trade  has  been introduced from 2001-02.


Public distribution system (PDS) covers all areas and sections of consumers in the State. The off-take of iodised salt through  PDS is very low due to the following reasons:


-             Availability  of loose and packed iodised salt  at  reasonable prices throughout the State,  and

-           Regular inflow of iodised salt into the State due to procurement by private traders.


Thus, some times open market prices are much cheaper than  prices under  PDS.  The wholesale price of iodised salt is Rs.  136  per 75kg.  and retail price is Rs. 2.10 per kg. Open market price  is Rs. 3 to 4 per kg. for loose iodised salt and Rs. 6 to 7 per  kg. for packed iodised salt. State Government is considering to allot some  quota out of the 8 rakes earmarked by Salt Commissioner  to private firms for production of iodised salt in small packages of 1  kg.  to be sold at a price fixed by the Government  to  ensure availability of iodised salt in the State.The  wholesale  price Ex Shillong is fixed by the  Food  &  Civil Splies  Department  and the retail price is fixed by  the  Deputy Commissioners/Sub  Divisional  Officers. The retail  Prices  vary from  place  to  place due to variation in  transport  cost  from Shillong to distribution centers.



Monitoring Information System


Formal  (PFA)  and informal (Non-PFA) monitoring  of  quality  of iodised  salt are undertaken by Food Inspectors and other  health functionaries  .  During  2000 eight  samples  were  analysed  by

iodometric method and all were standards.


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Sale of all iodised salt in 1/2/1Kg. poly packs.
  • Resurvey  to  assess the impact of iodised  salt  in  reducing goiter prevalence rate.
  • improve ware housing facilities.
  • Strengthen quality monitoring of iodised salt.





IDD Prevalence

Surveys carried out in 4 out of the 8 districts of the State revealed all the 4 district to be endemic, with a total Goiter Rate of 68.6%.


Status of Ban

Complete ban on sale of non-iodised salt as an article of food was imposed with effect from 15.2.1986 vide Govt. of Mizoram , Health and Family Welfare Department Notification No. MHA/69/84/Pt 141 dated Aizwal, 13.1.1986.


IDD Cell

Established in 1987 in the State Health Directorate.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The annual requirement of salt for edible purposes estimated at 4,940 tonnes. Due to geographical location of the State and transport bottlenecks, which necessitates maintenance of buffer stock, in the zonal scheme allocation is made for movement of 9,280 tonnes by rail from the production sources of Gujarat.


The actual off –take during 1999 was 4,700 tonnes .No salt was lifted during 2000. As no scarcity is reported during 2000, it is presumed that the salt requirement of the State is met byroad movement from Assam.


Nominee System is in operation in the State. Salt is transported by the nominees up to Silchar in Assam by rail and from there, it is moved by road to Aizwal by MIZOFED. Efforts are on to distribute iodised salt through the net work of pDS. Mostly salt is sold in loose although repacking in 1 & ½ Kg. poly packs is also done by the retailers for the convenience of the consumers. MIZOFED fixes the Ex-Railway yard and wholesale price.

 Monitoring Information System


Statutory and non-statutory sampling is being done by Food Inspectors and Health workers. During 2000,564 statutory samples (PFA ) and 53,106 non-statutory  samples were analysed , out of which 551 (98%) and 46,512(88%) respectively, were found conforming to  prescribed standards .


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI

  • Sale of all iodised salt in 1/2/1Kg. poly packs.
  • Re-survey to assess the impact of iodised salt in reducing goiter prevalence rate.
  • Improve warehousing facilities.,
  • Strengthen quality monitoring of iodised salt.





IDD Prevalence


Surveys carried out in 7 out of 8 districts in the State revealed all the 7 districts to be endemic to Goiter.


Status of Ban


Govt.  of  Nagaland has banned the sale of non-iodised  salt  for edible purpose with effect from 15th December, 1975.


IDD Cell

IDD Cell is established in 1987


 Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The  annual  requirement of edible salt is 8,660 tonnes  .Due  to geographical  location  of the State and  transport  bottlenecks, which necessitates maintenance of buffer stock, and allocation of

16,240 tonnes has been made in the zonal scheme. Nagaland  was procuring their entire requirement of  edible  salt from  Rajasthan salt sources by rail till 2000-01. However,  from 2001-02, additional linkage has been provided from Gujarat  Zone. The salt unloading point is Dimapur.


Nominee  System  prevails  in the State.  The  actual  supply  of iodised  salt during 1999 was 2,900 tonnes. During 2000, no  salt was  moved  by rail . However, during the current  year,  3  rake

loads  (9,280  tonnes)  was moved upto  July  against  the  total allotment of 7 rakes.


The  distribution  of  iodised salt is done  through  Fair  Price Shops(FPS) under the supervision of District Administration   and free market system also prevails .The wholesale price in  Dimapur

is Rs. 1.25 perkg. of loose iodised salt and Rs. 1.80 per kg.  of packet salt. Retail price is Rs. 1.40 to Rs.2.0 per kg. of  loose iodised  salt  and  Rs.  1.95 to 2.90 per  kg.  of  packet  salt. Monitoring of prices is bing done by a committee set up  recently for all essential commodities including iodised salt.Distribution of iodised salt is included under PDS, and the whole State  is covered under it. Iodised salt is  distributed  through fair  price  shops and also through village  councils  under  the

supervision of district administration and field officers of Food & Civil Supplies Department.



Monitoring Information System


At  the procurement point , quality of iodised salt is tested  by the Salt Department, before loading into the rail  wagons. At  the receiving point , the quality of iodised salt is again tested  by the  local  medical authority, along with the  goiter  officials. Department of Food & Civil Supplies also conducts surprise checks at retail level to ensure goiter of only iodised salt .  Consumer organization are also taking active part in enforcing the ban  on sale of non-iodized salt.


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Sale of all iodised salt in 1/2/1 Kg. poly packs.
  • Resurvey  to  assess the impact of iodised  salt  in  reducing goiter prevalence rate.
  • Strengthen quality monitoring of iodised salt.





IDD Prevalence


Survey  conducted in 4 out of 30 districts of the State  revealed all the 4 districts to be endemic to goiter with prevalence rates ranging from 19.3 to 30.3%.



Status of Ban

The State Govt. issued ban order from 1.6.1995 However, the Govt. of  Orissa has since rescinded the notification banning the  sale of salt  other than iodised salt from 31.3.2001.


IDD  Cell 


IDD Cell has been established in the  State Health Directorate.


Iodisation Capacity


The average annual production of salt in the State is about 40,00 tonnes  and  the  average production of iodised  salt  is  around 30,000  tonnes.  There  are  8 salt  iodisation  plants  with  an

installed  capacity  of 76,000 tonnes. The  Salt  Department  has donated  5  salt  iodisation plants  with  UNICEF  assistance  to Cooperative  Societies & small salt producers with one-year  free

supply  of  Potassium  Iodate  to enable  them  to  iodise  their produce.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


Requirement of the State is estimated to be 2.27 lakh tonnes  per annum.This  is mainly met from Tamil Nadu, Gujarat  &  Rajasthan. Salt  from   Rajasthan & Gujarat is moved by rail  under  nominee system.  The  State of Orissa has been provided linkages  in  the Zonal Scheme as under:



Zone                No.of Rakes               Quantity                        Total

                                                                        By Rail           By Road


Chennai                      45                    104.40             5.00                 109.40

Gujarat                       30                    69.69               -                        69.60

Rajasthan                   15                    34.80               -                        34.80

Kolkata                       -                       -                       12.89               12.89


Total                           90                    208.80             17.89              226.69



Iodised salt supplied to the State during the last 3 years was as under


1998           1999           2000

187.2          193.0          203.7


The balance quantity is met by road movement from Andhra Pradesh.



Quality Monitoring at Production Sources


Two  quality  control  labs  have been  established  at  Human  & Bhubaneshwar. Besides, one mobile lab (Jeep) is also is operation at  Humma. The details of the samples analysed in these  labs  is given below:


Year           Sample         Found          %Standard

   Analysed       Standard

1998           3264           1777           54.4

1999           4041           1927           48.0

2000           3883           1932           50.0



Monitoring Information System

 District level MIS has not been established in the State.

Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.
  • Introduce  informal district level monthly monitoring  on  the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Issue of notification banning the sale of non-iodised salt  in the entire State.
  • Step up IEC through mess media and local festivals.





IDD Prevalence


Although no systematic survey has been undertaken in U.T.  goiter cases have been reported. A survey conducted in 1997 among school children  in  the  age group of 6 to  years,  revealed  a  goiter prevalence of 2.6%. The Median urinary iodine excretion was  14.5 mcg/dl.


Status of Ban


Ban  U.T. administration has banned the sale of non iodised  salt with effect from 1.9.1997.


IDD Cell


The  U.T. administration has not yet set up IDD Cell  to  monitor the NIDDCP.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The  total requirement of iodised salt for the U.T. is  estimated to be 5,784 tonnes per annum. Salt is procured from Marakanam and Vedaranyam in Tamil Nadu. The supply of iodised salt during  last three years was as under:


'000 tonnes

1998                1999           2000

3.2                 1.3            1.4


Since there was no complaints of scarcity it is presumed that the remaining quantity is moved by road from Tamil Nadu, which is not accounted   in  official  records.  The  State   Civil   Supplies

Corporation,  M/s PAPSCO is selling iodised salt @ Rs.  2.60  per kg. to the people below poverty line, through 29 fair price shops in  Pondicherry and Karaikal region on "no profit-no loss"  basis

under  centrally sponsored " Sarvapriya Scheme", on  experimental basis. this salt is being supplied by NCCF.



Monitoring Information System.


Food  &  drug authority is collecting samples  from  traders  and retailers and testing in public health  laboratories. the details are given below:



                         Beneficiary              Trader


   Samples tested           201                      29

<15ppm                   138(69%)                 21(72.4%)

>=15ppm                  63(31%)                  8(27.6%)




Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Periodical monitoring of quality of iodised salt at trader and beneficiary level


  • IEC through mass media and local festival




IDD Prevalence


Surveys conducted in 3 out of the 17 districts, between 1961-1969 revealed goiter prevalence in the range of 9.3%-52.3%.


Status of Ban


Government  of  Punjab banned the sale of  non-iodised  salt  for edible use in the entire State with effect from 14.10.86.


IDD Cell

IDD Cell is established in the State Health Directorate.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


Punjab requires about 1.50 lakh tonnes of iodised salt for edible purpose annually. Most of it is procured by road from  Rajasthan. The  actual  movement of salt to the State  for   edible  purpose

during the last three years was as follows:


                                                                       ('000 tonnes)

1998                1999                2000

50.8                67.5                  59.4


Although the reported supply are 34-46% of total requirement,  in reality  there is no shortfall as the secondary movement by  road from  Delhi  and  road  movement  from  un-organised  sector   of

Rajasthan  bridge the gap.


Since iodised salt is freely available, the State Government does not propose to introduce it in PDS. Hence free market prevails  . 25% of the States requirement is met by branded salt. 90% of  its

requirement is met by Rajasthan and the rest by Gujarat. Salt  is procured in bulk from these States and repacked locally in 1/2  & 1 Kg pouches.



Monitoring Information System

State   Government  periodically  monitors  availability  of   14 essential  items  including iodised salt. However,  there  is  no State level MIS to monitor the quality of iodised salt.


Action Suggested to Strengthen USI

  • Monitor the quality of salt moved by road.
  • Introduce  informal district level monthly monitoring  on  the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Registration  of local salt repackers/grinding units  under  PFA Act.
  • IEC through mass media and local festivals.





IDD Prevalence


Surveys  conducted in 3 out of the 31 districts during  1987-1990 revealed that all the three districts are endemic to goiter.  The goiter prevalence rate was in the range of 10.91-22.89%.


Status of Ban


Government  of Rajasthan banned the sale of non-iodised salt  for edible purpose in the entire State with effect from 5.12.92.



IDD Cell

It has been established in the State Health Directorate.


Iodisation Capacity


Rajasthan  is  the third largest producer of salt  and  also  has surplus  salt  production, thus catering to  the  requirement  of adjoining  States  of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh,  Haryana,  Delhi, parts of Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh, and far off States  like West  Bengal, Bihar, Nagaland & Manipur besides meeting  its  own requirement.

The  average annual production of salt is about 13  lakh  tonnes. 298 salt iodisation units with a total capacity of 34 lakh tonnes are established in the State. Production of iodised salt by these

units during the last 3 years was as follows:


                                        (Lakh tonnes)

1998           1999                2000

5.49           8.54                7.95



Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


Rajasthan  requires  about 3.23 lakh tonnes of  salt  for  edible purpose annually. Its entire requirement is moved from production sources  within  the State by road. A small quantity of  salt  is also  received from Gujarat. Supply of iodised salt to  Rajasthan during the last 3 years are given below:


                                                             ('000 tonnes)


1998                1999                2000

72.3                65.3                43.3


The  actual reported supply is 14-21 % of total  requirement,  as much of the movement by road from registered & unregistered units is not reported. As no agency is monitoring these supply,  mostly non-iodised  salt/inferior  quality iodised salt is  supplied  by this mode.This is further confirmed by the low quality of iodised salt at beneficiary level.Iodised  Salt  is  included in the PDS list  in  a  limited  way. However,  due  to parallel marketing of non-iodised salt  in  the guise  of industrial salt of for animal consumption,  non-iodised salt  is  still  consumed in rural  areas.  State  Government  in collaboration  with  UNICEF  has  undertaken  a  number  of   IEC

activities  to  create  awareness  among  the  people  about  the benefits of iodised salt.



Monitoring Information System


With  a view to monitor the quality of iodised salt  at  consumer level informal monitoring using Salt Test Kit is being undertaken by ANM's & MPW's They are sending the monthly reports to Dy. CMHO of the district who is the  nodal officer for implementing NIDDCP at district level. At present only four districts viz  Jhunjhunu, Sriganganagar,  Hanumangarh  and Chittorgarh  are  sending  their

reports. The details of iodised salt samples tested under PFA and non-PFA ( using STK ) are as follows:


Samples Analysed                        Found Standard

                         PFA       Non-PFA        PFA            Non-PFA

1998      138       218532         38(28%)        110683(51%)

1999      26        57881          24(92%)        314191(59%)

2000      42        55501          38(90%)        34537(62%)

2001      32        67026          25(78%)        34217(51%)

(upto August)



Action Suggested to Strengthen  USI


  • Sale of all iodised salt in 1/2/1Kg. poly packs.
  • *Resurvey to assess the impact of iodised salt in reducing goiter prevalence rate.
  • IEC through mass media and local festivals.
  • Check  diversion  of  non-iodised salt  used  for  cattle  and industrial purposes to edible market





Prevalence of IDD


Surveys carried out in all the 4 district of Sikkim revealed that all are endemic to goiter.


Status of Ban


Government of Sikkim prohibited the sale of non-iodised salt  for edible purpose with effect from 11th September1985.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The  annual  requirement of edible salt is estimated to  be  2910 tonnes.  In the zonal scheme, provision is made for the  movement of 6960 tonnes from the production sources of Gujarat,  including buffer stock.


As  there  is no railhead in the State, salt is unloaded  at  New Jalpaiguri in West Bengal and from there it is transported to the State by road. Nominee System is adopted in the State. The actual supply  of  salt  during 1999 & 2000  were  6,600  &4,700  tonnes respectively.  Distribution  of iodised salt  is  included  under Public Distribution System. The PDS covers the entire State.


The State of Sikkim fixes price of iodised salt under the  Public Distribution System. The price of crushed iodised salt under  PDS was fixed at Rs. 1.70per Kg.



Monitoring Information System


Quality  is monitored by Health & Family Department of the  State Government . During 2000, 746 samples were tested, out of  which, 530  (71%)  samples  were found to be  standard.  District  level

monitoring information system is in practice.


Action Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Sale of all iodised salt in 1/2/1 Kg. poly packs.
  • Resurvey  to  assess the impact of iodised  salt  in  reducing goiter prevalence rate.
  • Step up IEC through mass media and local festivals.





IDD Prevalence

Surveys conducted in all the 29 districts revealed prevalence  of goiter  in  all  the districts. 18 districts  were  found  to  be endemic  with  a  prevalence rate of over  10%.  Resurvey  in  13 districts  showed a decrease in goiter prevalence rate in  12  of them.



Status of Ban


The  State Government . issued notification banning the  sale  of salt other than iodised salt with effect from 1.1.1995.  However, a  spate of Writ Petitions were filed by a section  of  Industry,

Trade  & Consumer Group against the ban order in the Madras  High Court.  All  these  Writ petitions were  heard  together  by  the Hon'ble  High  Court  &  finally disposed  off  in  a  land  mark judgement  in Oct., 1995 upholding the ban notification. The  ban orders have been extended for another five years from 1.1.2000.


IDD Cell


IDD  Cell  has  been established in  the  Directorate  of  Health Services in 1994. Elimination of IDD was also included in  Chief. Minister's 15 point programme for child Welfare.



Iodisation Capacity


Tamil Nadu is the 2nd largest salt producing State after  Gujarat with  an  average annual production of about 20-25  lakh  tonnes. Salt  Department has permitted 135 salt iodisation units with  an annual   installed  capacity  of  18.24  lakh  tonnes  which   is sufficient  to  cater to the needs of 14 lakh tonnes of  all  the southern  States.  The actual production of iodised  salt  during

last three years was as under:



                                        Lakh tonnes

1998                1999                2000

4.99                4.26                4.06



Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt


The requirement of iodised salt for the State is to the extent of 4  lakh  tonnes per annum. The actual supply during  the  last  3 years was as under:



1998                     1999                     2000

114.3                    174.8                    193.9



The  balance  quantity  is moved by  road  from  unorganized  and organized sectors, which is not reflected in official records.


Iodised  salt  is sold at a subsidized rate of Rs. 2.50  per  kg. under PDS through out the State, except Kanyakumari district.


Quality Monitoring at Production Sources

In  order  to monitor the quality of iodised salt  at  production sources the Salt Department has established seven laboratories at Chennai,    Tuticorin,    Adirampatnam,Vedaranyam,    Veppolodai, Cuddalore  and  Nagarcoil. Besides two mobile  laboratories  have been deployed at Chennai and Tuticorin to test check the  quality of  iodised  salt on the spot. The details  of  samples  analysed during the last three years are as follows:    



Year           Sample         Found          %

               analysed       standard       Standard

1998           12675          11726          92.5

1999           12957          11684          90.0

2000           13943          12728          91.2




Salt  Department  has  provided 18 salt  iodisation  plants  with UNICEF  assistance  to Small Salt Producers Association  and  Co-operative  Societies.  Besides, Tamil Nadu Salt  Corporation  has

also been provided with iodisation plant and potassium iodate for goiter of low priced iodised salt through PDS & FPS.


In  order to create awareness among the public and to increase  t he  supply  of  iodised  salt in the  State  Salt  department  in collaboration  with All India Institute of Medical Sciences,  New Delhi  has  instituted  study through the  net  work  of  medical colleges.



Monitoring Information System


Food Inspectors and Peripheral Health Workers are doing statutory (PFA)  and non-statutory sampling of iodised salt at  retail  and household level to monitor the  quality of iodised salt.  Details of samples analysed during the last 3 years are as follows:


                                    Samples Analysed                   Found Standard

                                      PFA       Non-PFA        PFA            Non-PFA

1999-2000          1723      61800        676(39.2%)       21205(34%)                                

2000-2001          772       65050          277(36%)       24767(38%)

2001-2002          262     29488          120(46%)       11076(37%)



Action Suggested Strengthen USI


  • Sale of all iodised salt in 1/2/1Kg. poly packs.
  • Resurvey in all the districts to assess the impact of  iodised salt in reducing goiter prevalence rate.
  • Step up IEC through mass media and local festivals.
  • Introduce  informal district level monthly monitoring  on  the lines of Maharashtra.





IDD Prevalence

Surveys  carried out in 3 out of 4 districts reveal that all  are endemic with a total goiter rate of 17%.


Status of Ban

The  Government of Tripura banned the sale of edible common  salt in the State with effect from 31st August 1988.


IDD Cell

The IDD Cell was set up in 1987.


Iodisation Capacity


One  iodisation  plant with an annual install  capacity  of  7000 tonnes  is established at Dhrmanagar. The production  of  iodised salt by this unit is as follows:



1998           1999                2000

3553           1757                1693



Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt

The  annual  requirement of  salt for edible purposes  in  19,743 tonnes. However, an allocation of 34,800 tonnes has been made  in the  zonal scheme the remoteness, transport bottlenecks  and  the

need for keeping adequate buffer stock.


The  entire  requirement  of iodised salt  and  common  salt  for iodisation is met from the production sources of Gujarat by  rail up  to Dhrmanagar from there it is transported to other parts  of the State by road.Nominee  System is followed by the State. Supply of  salt  during the year 1999 & 2000 was 6,300 & 19,800 tonnes respectively.The demand for iodised slat in 1 Kg. packet is less than that  of loose iodised  salt Loose iodised salt is supplied through Public distribution  System  at a subsidised price of Rs.  1.90  per  kg throughout the State. The open market price of loose iodised salt is Rs. 3.00 to 3.50 per kg. and that of packet salt is Rs.5.00 to 7.00 per kg.


Monitoring  Information System

Sampling  of  iodised salt is being done by Food  Inspectors  and other  Health Functionaries. During 2000,28 iodised salt  samples were analysed out which 25(89%) were foun standard.


Action Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Regular  statutory (PFA) & Non-statutory sampling  of  iodised salt.
  • Resurvey  to  assess the impact of iodised  slat  in  reducing goiter prevalence rate.
  • Step up IEC through mass media and local festivals.





IDD Prevalence

34 out of the total 83 districts have been surveyed for goiter in U.P.between  1930-1989. the goiter prevalence rate was  in  the range of 35-65%. 29 of the 34 districts were found endemic.


Status of Ban

Government  of Uttar Pradesh has banned sale and distribution  of salt other than iodised salt with effect from 2.10.87 for  edible purpose in the whole State.


IDD Cell

IDD  Cell  has been established in the Nutrition  wing  of  State Health Institute U.P. in the year 1986-87.


Iodisation Capacity

Two iodisation units with an annual installed capacity of  18,500 tonnes and one refinery, M/s Hi Tech Foods, Nioda with an  annual capacity  of  360 tonnes were permitted  to  commence  commercial production  of iodised salt .Out of the 2 iodisation  units  only one  unit of M/s. Shree Anand Salt Industries at Kanpur  produced 2,137  tonnes  of  salt during 2000. The  production  of  refined iodised salt was 109 tonnes during 2000.


Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt

The annual requirement of Salt for Uttar Pradesh & Uttranchal  is 9.21 &0.63 Lkh tonnes respectively. As Uttar Pradesh is far  away from the salt production centres, adequate rakes are provided for the movement of entire requirements of salt by rail from  Gujarat and Rajasthan, as indicated below:



Uttar Pradesh




Zone                    Rail                            Road         Total

                             No.of rakes    Quantity        


Rajasthan            35             81.20          9.67      90.87

Gujarat               358            830.56         -         830.56



Total                  393            911.76         9,67      921.43







Zone                     Rail                            Road           Total

                                No.of rakes    Quantity



Rajasthan           5            11.60              -              11.60

Gujarat             22            51.04             -              51.04


Total               27           62.64                -              62.64




The  actual  supply of iodised salt during the last  3  years  to Uttar Pradesh and Uttranchal was as follows:


                                                                   ('000 tonnes)

1998                1999                2000

812.7               908.8               930.3


salt also moves by road from the un-organised sectors of  Gujarat and Rajasthan and also from Delhi by road, which is not accounted in  official records. Hence the supply are apparently  less  than the requirement .But in reality no scarcity is reported from  any part of the State.


Post- Purchase Practice:-


The  consumers  in Uttar Pradesh, use a special variety  of  big-crystal slat produced in the little Rann of Kutch known as 'Phoda Salt'. Consumers have a tendency to wash this salt before using ,

to  get  rid  of adhering dust impurities. In  this  process  the potassium iodate coated on the crystal surface also gets  washed, defeating the very purpose of iodisation of salt . With a view to discouraging  the consumers from washing salt, manufacturers  are advised to crush the salt  before iodisation.  Crushers have also been   supplied   free  of  cost,  with  UNICEF   assistance   to manufacturers Association. Manufacturers are also advised to take two  crops  instead  of present single  crop  to  obtain  smaller crystals.


A  study commissioned through MODE Research Pvt. Ltd., New  Delhi in Gorakhpur district during 1994 to ascertain the consumer  tend to  wash  phoda salt, but they have distinct preference  fro  low priced crushed salt in poly-packs.




A study on status of iodine content of salt in selected Districts of  Uttar Pradesh was conducted by AIIMS in 15 districts of  U.P. covering all geographical areas, in 1998 . The important findings

of the study are:


  • at beneficiary level 43% salt samples tested had adequate iodine
  • iodine content was higher in powdered salt samples (56.5%) than in crystal variety (14.4%) at beneficiary level.
  • At traders level 52% salt samples had adequate iodine content.
  • Iodine content was higher in powder salt samples(72.7%) than in crystal variety (16.9%).

Meadian Urinary Iodine excretion in all the districts  studied was_>10 µg/dl  except  in Lakhimpur where it was  only  5  µg/dl indicating that there is no bio-chemical deficiency of iodine.State  Government  has  organised IDD workshhops  at  Dehradun  & Gorakhpur in 1998 in collaboration with UNICEF and recommended,


-           Field visit of Government of Uttar Pradesh Officials  to  salt works  of  Gujarat/  Rajasthan  areas  goitering  salt  to  Uttar Pradesh.

-             Meeting  of  consumer  groups,  salt  traders,  selected  salt producers of Gujarat & Rajasthan and District Goiter Officers, to

resolve  issues  related to goiter of iodised slat  by  road  and continued goiter of crystal salt.


_            Policy  of  defining crystal size of salt to  be  reviewed  by Government of U.P.


-           Active involvement of CMO & Dy. CMO in USI programme.

-           Development of a State Programme of Action.



Monitoring Information System


There  is  no State level MIS.  A  Non-Governmental  Organisation (NGO), Mamta Samajik Sansthan, Dehradun is monitoring quality  of iodised  salt  at  beneficiary & retail  level  and  sending  its reports  to State Government & Salt Commissioner. Details are  as follows:


                          No. of Sample


                          Analysed          Standard            %


1996                2073                   1469                       70.86

1997                  -                         -                               -

1998                299                      292                          97

1999                7818                   6461                        82

2000                No reports received



Actions Suggested To Strengthen USI

  • Strict enforcement of ban orders.
  • Step up IEC through mass media and local festivals.
  • Introduce  informal district level monthly monitoring  on  the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Define grain size to prevent use of large crystal iodised  salt and post purchase practice of washing salt before using.
  • Streamline marketing of non- iodised salt for  industrial  and cattle use.
  • Register all Iodised Salt repackers/ grinding units in the State under PFA Act.
  • Check  diversion  of non- iodised salt  used  fro  cattle  and industrialpurposes to edible market





IDD Prevalence

Surveys  conducted in 5 out of the 18 districts revealed all  the districts  to be endemic to goiter with prevalence rates  ranging from 10.3% to 34.5%.


Status of Ban

Govt.  of  West  Bengal has banned the sale of  salt  other  than iodised salt for edible purpose in the interest of general public from 1.7.1998.


IDD Cell

A IDD Cell has been  established in the State Health Directorate.


Iodisation Capacity

36  salt  iodisation  plants are established  at  the  production centers . Besides, 3 salt iodisation units have been installed at consuming  centres  (2 at Kharagpur & 1 at  Chitpur).  The  total

installed capacity of these plants is 75,000 tonnes per annum.the iodised  salt production in the State during the last 3 years  is as under:



1998                1999                     2000

45.5                38.3                     43.6



Requirement & Supply of Iodised Salt

The  average  annual production of common salt in  the  State  is about 10-13 thousand tonnes and it is produced in Contai areas of Midnapore  district.This production is insufficient to  meet  the

iodised  salt requirement of the State, which is estimated to  be 4.87 lakh tonnes.


Nominee  system  is  followed  in  the  State.  Considering   the transport bottlenecks and to keep adequate buffer stock the State Govt. has provided a quota of 300 BG rakes (6.96 lakh tonnes) for

procurement from various salt manufacturing zones as shown below:


                                                    '000 tonnes


Zone           No.of Rakes         Quantity            Total

                                                    Rail           Road      


Gujarat        180            417.6          -         417.6

Rajasthan      90             208.8         -         208.8

Chennai        30             69.6           -           69.6

Kolkata            -              -              10.0       10.0



Total          300            696.0          10.0      706.00




The above quantity is procured through Nominees of the State. The actual quantity of iodised salt supplied during the last 3  years is as under:


                                                                 '000 tonnes

1998                1999                2000

592.8               604.8               654.5



Quality Control at Production Sources


Two quality control labs have been set up at Contai & Calcutta to monitor the quality of salt in the State. One Jeep has also  been deployed  for on the spot analysis of iodised salt  samples.  the

number  of samples analysed & found standard in these labs is  as under:


Year           Samples        Found Standard      %Standard

1998           3542                1494                                 42.2

1999           2157                1075                                 50.0

2000           5265                2525                                 48.0



Monitoring Information System


District level MIS has not been established in the State.


Actions Suggested to Strengthen USI


  • Step up IEC through mass media and local festivals.
  • Introduce  informal district level monthly monitoring  on  the lines of Maharashtra.
  • Check diversion of non-iodised salt used for industrial purpose to edible market.