Mehta M


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2.      Samuel AM, Mehta MN, Desai KB. Thyroid hormones in differentiated thyroid cancer.
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3.       Mehta M, Pandav CS, Kochupillai N. Intellectual assessment of school children from severely iodine deficient villages. Indian Pediatr. 1987 Jun;24(6):467-73.


4.      Joseph LJ, Desai KB, Patel MC, Mehta MN, Ganatra RD. Thyroid function and thyrotropin levels in rabbits immunized to produce antibodies against thyroid hormones. Int J Rad Appl Instrum B. 1987;14(5):511-4.


5.      Kochupillai N, Pandav CS, Godbole MM, Mehta M, Ahuja MM.Iodine deficiency and neonatal hypothyroidism. Bull World Health Organ. 1986;64(4):547-51


6.      Patel MC, Desai KB, Mehta MN, Ganatra RD. Preparation of high specific activity labelled 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine reverse T-3. Int J Nucl Med Biol. 1978;5(4-5):174-6.


7.      Desai KB, Patel MC, Mehta MN, Sharma SM, Ganatra RD, Antia FP.Usefulness of liver counts in diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. Int J Nucl Med Biol. 1976 Apr;3(2):71-3.


8.      Desai KB, Mehta MN, Patel MC, Ramanna L, Ganatra RD. Thyroidal iodopriteins in Pendred's syndrome. J Endocrinol. 1974 Nov;63(2):409-10.


9.      Patel MC, Desai KB, Mehta MN, Glenn HJ.A simplified procedure for the labelling of thyroid hormones. Int J Appl Radiat Isot. 1974 Sep;25(9):421-2.


10.  Desai KB, Mehta MN, Patel MC, Sharma SM, Ramanna L, Ganatra RD. Familial goitre with absence of thyroglobulin and synthesis of thyroid hormones from thyroidal albumin. J Endocrinol. 1974 Mar;60(3):389-97.


11.  Ganatra RD, Mani RS, Ramnath P, Mehta MN, Desai KB, Desai CN. A new radiopharmaceutical agent for tumor scanning. Radiology. 1966 Oct;87(4):750-2.


12.  Sharma SM, Desai KB, Mehan KP, Ganatra RD, Mehta MN, Sundaram K, Antia FP. Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism by external liver counting: correlation between external scintillation counting of the liver and plasma protein-bound iodine-131. J Nucl Med. 1965 Aug;6(8):598-604.