Method for estimation of iodine in urine

(Wet Digestion Method)









Urine  is digested with chloric acid under  mild  conditions and  iodine is determined manually by its catalytic role  in  the reduction of ceric ammonium sulfate in the presence of  arsenious acid. As the reduction proceeds the intensity of colour decreases and  this can be readily measured in a spectrophotometer  at  420 nm. The method is fast and inexpensive, and the digestion is less harsh  than some other methods.  This method can measure  urinary iodine concentrations in the range of 0-150 mcg/liter but can  be extended further to cover a wider range of values.



Equipment and Chemicals



Oven  with  fan  exhaust,  vented  fume  hood  on  oven  for perchloric acid escape, UV spectrophotometer, thermometer,  Timer (stop  watch  reliable to  5 second, test tubes (15mm  x  100mm), funnel  (56x100 mm) reagent flasks and bottles, pipettes  Whatman no 1 filter paper and a laboratory balance.




(analytical grade AR /GR)


i)    KCLO3 (potassium chlorate),


ii)   HCLO4 (perchloric acid, 70%) 


iii)  As2O3 (arsenic trioxide),


iv)   NaOH (sodium hydroxide), 


v)    H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)


vi)   Ce(NH4)4 (SO4)4 2H2O (ceric ammonium sulfate),


 vii)   KIO3 (potassium iodate),


viii)   HCL (Hydrochloric Acid)


ix)  Double  distilled  water  (free  of  iodine  and   other contaminants)     




Preparation of reagents :


i)   Chloric  acid  solution:

In  a 2000ml Erlenmeyer flask, 500g  of potassium chlorate was  dissolved  in 910ml hot double distilled water until the  soluble state  (normally a little amount remains undissolved). 375 ml  of 70% perchloric acid was added dropwise (approx. 15 ml/min)  while stirring constantly. This preparation is carried out in a vented fume hood as it produces toxic fumes. Subsequently, the  solution is kept  in  a freezer  of refrigerator  overnight  for  better separation.  The next day it is  filtered through a filter paper, (Whatman # 1) and stored in a refrigerator at 40C.



ii) Arsenious Acid Solution:

0.986  g arsenic trioxide was taken in a 1000 ml  volumetric flask  and dissolved in 10 ml of 0.5 N hot sodium  hydroxide.


This  solution  was  transferred  into  750  ml  chilled   double distilled  water. Then 20 ml concentrated HCL and 39.6  ml  conc. sulphuric acid (98%) was added dropwise with constant mixing. The solution was stored in  amber colour bottle at room  temperature.


(The solution is stable for months).



Sulphuric Acid Solution (3.5N H2SO4) :

97  ml concentrated sulfuric acid (98%) was  added  dropwise into  800  ml chilled double distilled water (carefully  as  this generates  heat) and   final volume was made up to  1 litre  with double distilled water.


Ceric ammonium sulfate solution:

48g ceric ammonium sulfate was dissolved in 1 litre of 3.5N H2SO4.  This  was  stored  in  a  amber  colour  bottle  at  room temperature. (The solution is stable for months).


Stock Iodine Standard (1mg/ml) :

168.5 mg KIO3 was  dissolved in double distilled water to make a final volume of 100 ml.  This was stored in a amber colour bottled (This solution is stable for months).


Dilute   Iodine Standard (1ug/ml) :

Take 100  ul  of  Stock Iodine Standard and make a volume to 100 ml with double distilled water.


Working  Iodine Standard :    

Make  the  following  serial dilutions  from diluted Iodine Standard (1ug/ml) into  volumetric flasks  (10  ml)  with double distilled  water  (diluent).  These dilutions are made freshly.


  ug/dl                                Dilution factors

  5 ug       :    0.5 ml of 1 ug/ml standard + 9.5 ml diluent

10 ug        :    1.0 ml of 1 ug/ml standard + 9.0 ml diluent

15 ug        :    1.5 ml of 1 ug/ml standard + 8.5 ml diluent

20 ug        :    2.0 ml of 1 ug/ml standard + 8.0 ml diluent





Step  I.:   The  urine sample was shaken to  evenly  suspend  any sediment.  250 ul of each urine sample was pipetted into  a  15x100  mm test tube.  Iodine standards were prepared  from  the  1  ug/ml stock iodine solution. The  iodine  standards corresponding  to  0/5/10/15 and 20  ug/dl  were  prepared.


Step  II :  750 micro liter of chloric acid solution was added  to each  tube  (samples,  blank, internal  quality  control  sample, standards)  and  mixed gently. All tubes were placed in the  oven at 1100C-1200C for 75 minutes (with a fume hood for the  trapping of   perchloric  acid). There will be very little  volume  change during heating. some samples may be faintly yellow. All the tubes were  cooled  at  room  temperature for  15  minutes.  Then,  the decreased  volume  was adjusted with double  distilled  water  to their original volume (1.0 ml) and vortexed.


Step III:  3.5 ml of Arsenious Acid  was added to each  test  tube and   after mixing all test tubes were kept for 15  minutes at room temperature.


Step  IV : 350 microliter of ceric ammonium sulfate solution  was added at a fixed interval of time to each tube and quickly  mixed with  help of a vortex. A stopwatch was used to keep  a  constant interval between additions to successive tubes, (30 seconds was a convenient interval). Exactly 20 minutes after addition of  ceric ammonium  sulfate  to  the first tube,  the  reduction  was  read spectrophotometrically at 420 nm against the reagent blank at the same interval. (Successive tubes were arranged in a such a manner that the interval between the time of addition of ceric  ammonium sulfate  and the time of the reading was the exactly  20  minutes for all samples, standards and blanks).


Calculation of results:  The exact value of urine  sample's iodine was calculated as follows:


  1. The average absorbance value for each set of reference standard, control and samples was calculated.


  1. A standard curve was constructed by plotting the mean absorbance obtained for each reference standard against its concentration  micro g/dl on linear graph paper, with absorbance  on  the  vertical (Y)  axis  and  concentration (micro g / dl) on the horizontal (X) axis.




  1. Since the digestion procedure has no specific end point, it is essential to run blanks and IODINE  standards  with each assay to allow for variations in heating time, etc.


  1. The exact temperature, heating time and cooling time can vary.  However, within each assay, the interval between the time of addition of ceric ammonium sulfate and the time  of the reading must be the same for all  samples,  standards, and blanks.


  1. In this procedure it is convenient to run 60 sample's tubes per assay of which 5 are   standards   (at concentrations of 0/5/10/15and 20 mcg/dl).


  1. Perchloric acid fumes can be toxic and the complex generated may be harmful, particularly if allowed to dry in a ventilation system.  The recommended method releases much less perchloric acid than other digestion methods.      


  1. The  exact time and temperature is not critical as long  as all tubes are heated the same way.


  1. 1.68mg KIO3 contains 1 mg iodine KIO3 is preferred over KI because it is more stable.


  1. Test tubes can be reused if they are carefully washed to  eliminate any iodine contamination.


  1. Separate pipettes should be used for all the test  tubes and  also pipettes used for preparation of  each  standard solution  should be kept separately and  not be mixed  with the general  pool  of  glassware.  They  should  be  kept separately for all times to avoid contamination.   



Method for Internal Quality Control adopted:


A pooled urine sample was prepared for internal quality control assessment. The internal quality control sample was  analysed 20-25 times with standards and blank in duplicate. The mean (X) and  standard deviation (SD) of this internal quality control sample was calculated and the sample was stored in refrigerator and analysed with  every batch  of samples. The 95% confidence interval was then calculated and used as the operating control range, as follows:


Sample Mean (X)  ± 2(SD)


The X - 2(SD) = the lower confidence limit (L)

X + 2(SD) = the upper  confidence  limit  (U) 

The operating  control  range  is (L,U).


A regular linear graph paper was used to prepare these plots. The mean urinary iodine concentration (in ppm) of the internal quality control sample was plotted as a continuous horizontal line on  the Y-axis. The lower concentration value (L) was plotted below the mean line on the Y-axis  scale and the upper concentration value (U) was plotted above the  mean line on the Y-axis  scale. The X-axis was used to plot the date on which the internal quality control sample was analysed. This  chart was used to  plot  the  specific analysis  date,  and urinary iodine concentration obtained  for  the internal quality control sample every time it was tested.  If the value of the internal quality control sample was between  the  two limit lines, then the  test  was   deemed  in control,  and all results were accepted.  Any value of the internal quality control sample that was plotted outside the two limit lines then, the test was considered as out-of-control, and the entire batch was repeated.








+ 2SD(U)


Mean (X)


- 2SD(L)



Date                 16                    17                    20                    22