Research Study Data








Incidence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism in Three Endemic Goitre Districts of Uttar Pradesh, Before

and After Successful Salt Iodation


District                             Incidence per 1000 birth


                            Pre-iodation                  Post-iodation


Deoria                       133                                    16


Gonda                         75                                     9


Gorakhpur                   85                                    17


Reference:     Kochupillai N. Neonatal Hypothyrodism in India. The Mount Sinai J Medicine 1992; 59:111-115.





Distribution of Children by Intelligence Quotient in the

Study Population and Control Population*


Age Group    No. of                   No. of children with IQ of :

(years)           children             

                     studied        <69     70-79   80-89   90-109   110-119


6-10                   10              2          3          4          1          -


11-16                 50            12         17         11          9          1


Total                 60            14         20         15        10          1


Percentage in                   23.3      33.3      25        16.7       1.7

study population


Percentage in                    2.2        6.7      16.1     50.0     16.1

normal population*



*Age-matched from normal (not iodine-deficient) Indian village.


Reference:      Kochupillai N, Pandav CS, Godbole MM, Mehta M, Ahuja MMS. Iodine deficiency and neonatal hypothyroidism. Bull WHO 1986; 64:542-551.